Aldermore has introduced a range of limited-edition buy-to-let (BTL) two- and five-year fixed rates to offer more choice for landlords.
The products are for new customers, with products for individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties along with landlords with multi-property products.
For individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties, a two-year fixed rate up to 75% loan to value (LTV) with a 3% fee at 4.89% is available.
The range also has a no-fee five-year fixed rate up to 75% LTV at 5.99%, with its 1.5% fee deal priced at 5.69% and its 5% fee version priced at 4.99%.
Multi-property products for individual and company landlords with residential investment properties can secure a two-year fixed rate up to 75% LTV with a 3% fee at 4.84%.
Aldermore will also offer a fee-free five-year fixed rate at 5.94%, a 1.5% fee option at 5.64%, a 5% fee deal at 4.94% and a £1,999 fee option at 5.89%.

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Jon Cooper (pictured), director of mortgages at Aldermore, said: “We’re delighted to reintroduce these limited-edition products back into the market, providing more choice and favourable rates for landlords looking to secure a mortgage in the new year.”
Earlier this month, Aldermore lowered select rates by up to 0.2% and reintroduced 95% LTV products.