Jealous penguins, laughing seals: Meet the 2024 Comedy Wildlife Photo finalists – National

Jealous penguins, laughing seals: Meet the 2024 Comedy Wildlife Photo finalists – National

From clingy bear cubs to smooching baby owls, the 2024 finalists of the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are delivering a healthy dose of cute and quirky to brighten your day.

The awards are back for their 10th year, showcasing the best and funniest wildlife shots from around the globe.

One of the awards’ co-founders, photographer Tom Sullam, said this year saw an incredible batch of entries. He thanked Nikon for its sponsorship, noting that the company “proved invaluable in attracting some of the world’s best photographers” to the awards this year.

Nikon marketing executive Stefan Maier said the company is thrilled to unveil the finalists and showcase the creativity and talent of the photographers recognized.

“These images capture not only the humour and charm of wildlife, but also highlight the importance of conservation in a way that resonates with people of all ages and from all different walks of life.”

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This year, the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are supporting the Whitley Fund for Nature. The U.K.-based non-profit provides funds and grants for conservation leaders in the global south, and has distributed over $41 million since 1993, according to the charity’s website.

In the end, 40 finalists were chosen for the short list. Viewers can vote for their favourite picture at

Voting ends of Oct. 31 and the winners will be announced on Dec. 10 at an awards gala in London.

See the finalist photos and their titles, below.

‘Hello world’

Alex Pansier/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Holding on for a ride’

Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards


Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘In love’

Andrea Rosado/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Alright mate back off — this is my bird’

Andy Rouse/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘England cricket’s latest secret weapon!’

Andy Rouse/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘I’m too sexy for my love’

Artur Stankiewicz/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘The contemplative chimpanzee’

Arvind Mohandas/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Otter guru’

Charles Janson/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Saying my prayers’

Christine Haines/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Monday again’

Christopher Arnold/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Cold shower’

Corentin Revel/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Whiskered tern crash on landing’

Damyan Petkov/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Frog in a balloon’

Eberhard Ehmke/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘The Pavarotti of owls’

Fred Amico/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Smiley elephant seal’

Gabriel Rojo/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘I am coming’

Inés Godínez/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Laughing out loud’

Ingo Hamann/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘I’ll tell you a secret’

Jan Piecha/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Where do you think you are going’

Jörn Cl/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Mantis flamenca’

Jose Miguel Gallego Molina/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Song of the zeisel’

Kath Aggiss/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Awkward smiley frog’

Kingston Tam/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Hide and seek’

Leslie McLeod/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘The speed skater’

Mark Meth-Cohn/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Are you kidding’

Marti Phillips/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Gecko fashion model’

Michela Bordoli/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Stuck squirrel’

Milko Marchetti/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Easy fellas — Hajime!’

Philippe Ricordel/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Unexpected role swap’

Przemyslaw Jakubczyk/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Gang of four’

Ralph Robinson/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘You’re not my mother’

Randy Herman/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘The rock star’

Sanjay Patil/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Wait… which zebra is in front’

Sarosh Lodhi/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Smooching owlets’

Sarthak Ranganadhan/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Nagging is a universal concept’

Scott Frier/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Mafia boss’

Takashi Kubo/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Shake ruffle rattle and roll’

Tapani Linnanmäki/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Parrot fish likes to be washed’

Wim Bellemans/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

‘Time to cool off’

Zikri Teo/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards

The winners of last year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards can be viewed here.

&copy 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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