Pool Re reports on what businesses need to consider for Martyn’s Law

Pool Re reports on what businesses need to consider for Martyn’s Law

Pool Re, the UK’s government backed reinsurer, has issued a series of vital reports for local businesses across the UK.

It will help to ensure that businesses and organisations within scope are adequately prepared to deal with the terrorism threat. 

These reports have been produced ahead of the Terrorism Protection of Premises Bill, which will bring a pivotal shift in responsibilities for businesses and organisations that oversee crowded space, events, and venues.

Pool Re has produced a set of in-depth assessments on a range of issues relating to the threat of terrorism to the following sectors:

  • Transport
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Religious sites
  • Hospitality
  • Education
  • Culture & Entertainment
  • Accommodation

Each report highlights the potential threat, location based threats, previous terrorist incidents, and a threat visualisation.

 All reports are available on the Pool Re website HERE

Authored by Pool Re

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